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The North York Moors


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Great Fryup Dale

The curiously named Great Fryup Dale is a tributary of the Esk Valley on the North York Moors.

The name of the dale has actually nothing to do with English breakfasts and is believed to have derived from "Frige-hop" - "Frige" being an Anglo-Saxon goddess equated with the Norse goddess Frigg, while "hop" is an alternative name for a dale.

There are no significant villages in Great Fryup Dale, but Danby and Lealholm in the Esk Valley are close nearby.

More information about Great Fryup Dale:

The following (externally maintained) websites and web pages include further information including places to stay in and around Great Fryup Dale:

[N.B. If you would like your site considered for inclusion in this list, then please contact Eagle Intermedia.]

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